Thursday, 8 December 2011

Day 53 : "Basil and peanut butter"

For lunch today, I ate a pack of basil that I spotted in Tesco when buying my mackerel.  I don't think I've eaten a whole pack of raw herbs in one sitting before, but it was jolly tasty.

I got on the cross trainer again tonight (it's all or nothing week, so no wimping out by sitting on the exercise bike!)  To my surprise, I managed to find Terminator Mode again tonight, and hit 561 calories... another 'PB' by 3 calories.  Mind you, I went like the bloody clappers in what is billed by the cross trainer as the '2 minute cool down' - I was like Lee Evans on speed, there was sweat flying everywhere.  But it was like training a totally different body and a different set of lungs to last night, when I just couldn't muster the energy to go at full throttle.  My Sherlock Holmes mind spent the 30 minutes trying to work out what was so different, again.  Maybe it was the fact that I made it there earlier in the evening than yesterday, or maybe it was the fact that I'd 'only' done a triceps and stomach workout beforehand.  Maybe my body just needed to take it slightly easier yesterday evening, following the previous two, and tonight it had 'recuperated'.  Maybe it was the pumping hard house they were playing in the gym tonight.  Maybe it was the basil.

Tomorrow will be my last post-work, evening workout of my challenge.  Weird feeling.  I can barely remember a time now that I didn't come in from work, get changed, and go out again to the gym.  I have this alien thought lingering in the back of my mind telling me that on Monday I don't have to do that.  But I think I'll feel guilty if I don't.  We'll see.  One thing's for sure, and that is that it will be weird getting back in from the gym on Monday evening - if I do go - and not sitting down to write a blog entry.  Although it wasn't part of my self-committed 'posted challenge' to write a blog entry every single day of my challenge, that is what I've ended up doing - and I think I'm going to miss it.

Anyway, my diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  A tin of tuna;
- Lunch:  A tin of mackerel and a pack of basil;
- Dinner:  A tin of tuna, a beetroot and a banana.  And a handful of nuts & seeds.  And a spoonful of peanut butter.  (I found to my woe when I got in from the gym that there was but one tin of fish left in the house, and I've got used to eating two fish portions in the evening over the last couple of weeks to try and burn more fat / pack on more muscle.  And there were no eggs in the fridge.  So I went on a slightly-desperate protein hunt.  I felt a bit like an alcoholic searching the house for anything with alcohol content.  Thankfully, I came across the nuts and peanut butter before the Kitekat.)

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