Well today marks a fairly momentous day in terms of my health and fitness.
I can now say that I've gone longer without a drop of alcohol than I've ever been before in - I reckon - at least the last two decades.
Now, I'm no alcoholic, but have always been one of those people - like many - that enjoys a drink at the weekend, even if it's just a beer or two on a Friday night after a long week at work. And a couple more on Saturday. With the odd 'binge' thrown in from time-to-time when we go out on the razz, or host/attend parties.
In the summer of 2009, when I went on a less-extreme-than-the-current-one health kick, I gave up drinking for 32 days. Then, on Day 33, I went out with some friends in Old Town and got hammered.
So today marks the longest time I've gone without a drink in - I'm pretty sure - my adult life (and possibly my later-adolescence too!) And I can genuinely say that I'm not missing it all right now, even if it is a Friday. I feel so healthy right now, that the thought of giving myself a muzzy head tomorrow sucks. (Although I'm not sure if I'm going to find it quite so easy at my Poker Night tomorrow...)
I did a big back workout at the gym tonight (I'll be sore tomorrow) followed by a stomach workout and 30 minutes on the cross trainer. For the first time, I got the courage to do some chin-ups on a bar at the gym, without worrying about looking like an absolute ass. Well, actually, I did worry about looking like an absolute ass, but don't think I actually ended up looking like one. I used to have a go on my eldest son's pull-up bar at home and could never do more than 1-2, but now I'm lighter and stronger, I can manage 8-9 in a set... not bad, I suppose, after less than 5 weeks!
My diet today has consisted of:
- Breakfast: An apple and a banana;
- Lunch: A pot of anchovies in garlic & citrus - yum! (No, Becky Johnson, you can't tempt me with your evil doughnuts!)
- Dinner: A salmon salad.
This weekend, I shall be staying well away from coconut-flavoured nuts. Begone, Demon Seeds!
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