Monday, 17 October 2011

Day 1 : "The diet starts tomorrow - not!"

Well, I'm nearing the end of Day 1.  Only 55 and a bit to go!

I re-joined the gym this evening, and have just got home after a workout.  My shoulders hurt.  I'm knackered.  But the endorphins do feel good!

To be honest, sharing my personal challenge in this less-than-personal way has already helped.  I didn't sleep well last night as have been suffering from toothache (my fault for not visiting the dentist in about half-a-decade.  But they do say it's the most depressing profession in the world, and I don't want it rubbing off on me), and the painkillers and antibiotics I've been taking for it have wiped me out a bit.  So driving home from work tonight, the idea went through my head that had I not told half the world that my challenge started today, then I might have put it off.  I'd probably have taken the 'diet starts tomorrow mentality' and come home, eaten pie and chips, and laid in bed watching TV and feeling a bit sorry for myself.

But that's no longer an option.  (Especially after the unexpected messages and emails of support I've had - thanks!  And good luck to Michelle Green who's actually joining me on my challenge!)

So instead I stopped at Asda (I know, a scary trial in itself) to buy salad and fish, and went to the gym where I did some weights and then spent half an hour on the cross trainer.

And I've managed to stick to my diet for almost a whole day so far!  My intake so far has consisted of:

- Breakfast: an apple;
- Lunch: a tin of mackerels, another apple (that'll keep the doctor away twice) and a pear;
- Dinner: I'm about to make myself a salmon salad.  (Avoiding the half bottle of red wine in the fridge from the weekend.  Anyone want it?)

And I even walked all the way through the alcohol aisle in Asda without even thinking about stopping!

So far, so good!

Now I'm going to eat my salad... and then lay in bed feeling a bit sorry for myself.

But fulfilled.

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