Saturday, 22 October 2011

Day 6 : "4 pints at the pub"

Went to the gym this morning and did a legs workout - it felt good being there on a Saturday morning, rather than just lounging round the house in my pants.

Okay, so I've been into pubs a couple of times this week for lunch and didn't drink, but then I wouldn't usually drink alcohol of a work day lunchtime anyway.  So my first proper weekend pub challenge came this afternoon, when we went to The Dockle Farmhouse to see some friends for a birthday / new baby get-to-together - especially as three of what you might call my 'drinking buddies' were there. Thankfully, I found it quite easy - although I did plough through 4 pints of diet pepsi at probably a faster rate than I would have drank beer.  I think I experienced a bit of a caffeine high.  It probably helped that it was during the afternoon, we had the kids with us, and we spent most of the time outside... I don't know how well I would have handled a child-free evening inside a pub without supping a beer or seven, but I do want to give it a go before my 8 weeks is up.  One step at a time though.

I did feel a twinge of jealousy as Clare, Martin and Lee headed off into Old Town for a further drinking session; but at the same time felt quite proud as I drove home sober and with more money in my pocket.  But caffeined up.  (In fact, I had a coffee when I got home, and my legs started buzzing. Must cut down on the caffeine.)

Still eating well, despite the fact that normally I eat rubbish at the weekend... in fact, I accidentally skipped lunch today as we went out and I'd forgotten to eat.

But I have taken to sniffing things.  On the way to the pub in the car, my wife was eating a piece of fudge - which I love - and I asked if I could sniff it.  I fantasised that I was eating it.  Then I sniffed a pint of Carlsberg at the pub.  I hope this doesn't lead to a weird long-term habit.

- Breakfast: Scrambled egg (made with skimmed milk) on a slice of toast;
- Post-gym snack: A tin of tuna;
- Lunch: Oops...
- Post-pub snack: A snack pack of grapes and apple pieces, which my wife stole off the kids in the car for me before I tried to eat the steering wheel;
- Dinner: I've just enjoyed a mackerel salad, an apple and a banana.

I'm now determined to get through a Saturday evening of Strictly (I know... gay!) and X Factor without snacking on anything, unless I maybe decide to have another piece of fruit.  And I'll be trying not to think about that half bottle of red wine, which is sulking in the fridge as I leave it to turn to vinegar. Wish me luck.

Tomorrow:  One week into my challenge, I'll be doing my first weigh-in late tomorrow afternoon, and revealing how much - if any - weight I've managed to lose this week...

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