Sunday, 30 October 2011

Day 14 : "Second weekly weigh-in -- the results"

Well, I'm now 1/4 of the way through my challenge.  And what a difference a fortnight can make.

This morning I was proud to be in the gym and on the cross-trainer at 7:30am.  Not quite as impressive as it may sound, as in old money it would have been 8:30am, but it felt good nonetheless. Especially as my wife was still in bed recovering from her night out, and my head was clear as a bell.

So anyway, I'm going to cut to the chase.  I've just weighed myself, and am delighted to be able to say that I've lost another 10lb in the last week!

                          Week 0                   Week 1             Week 2

Body Fat            32.8%                      29.4%               27.4%

Muscle Mass      33.9%                      35.2%               35.8%

Weight               16st 7lb                    15st 7lb            14st 11lb

This means that I've now lost 24lb in a fortnight - only 4lb off losing 2 stone - and lost 16.5% of the body fat I was carrying.  So much more than I had hoped for in such a relatively short space of time (although in many ways it feels like bloody ages!)

I googled 24lb to see if I could find something to visualise how much I've lost in the last 14 days.  And I found this:

Yes, this is a 24lb carp.  So I've lost a huge freaking fish in weight - ironically, from mainly eating lots of his relatives.

I'm now really excited to find out how much more I could lose with another 6 weeks to go on my regime.

Good luck to Vikki and Christine who are joining the challenge from Monday.  I hope you find it as life-changing an experience as I am right now!

14 days gone... only 42 to go!

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