Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Day 3 : "Mega-sore-ass"

Well, I have to say, so far I'm enjoying this and finding it rather easy... but I'm extremely conscious of the fact that I am only 3 days in, that it feels like more, and that there's a long way to go.  And I'm dreading Friday, as I know from past experience that I can do fit & healthy in the week relatively easily, but something changes on a Friday night and the little devil on my shoulder cries out for beer and curry.  The greedy bastard.

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast: A banana (made a refreshing change from an apple).
- Lunch: - and I am quite proud of this - I had a lunch meeting in a pub, but stuck to two diet cokes and a sweet potato salad, which was the healthiest salad I could find on the menu.  I didn't even glance outside of the salad section, just in case of temptation.  If I'd spotted calves liver and creamy mash, my 8 week challenge may have ended very prematurely.
- Dinner:  You may have guessed... a fish salad.  Mackerel tonight.

I paid my third trip to the gym in as many days this evening, and did a shoulder workout followed by 30 sweaty minutes on the exercise bike (hence the mega sore ass right now).

I am looking forward to going to the gym one day in the future and not catching a glimpse of my belly sticking out further than my chest in the mirror.  Roll on that day.

Only 53 days to go...

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