Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Day 45 : "No strike for my muscles"

Quick post tonight, as only got back in from the gym at 10pm, due to delays getting home from Cardiff.  It took me 37 minutes just to get out of the NCP car park, and 50 minutes in total for my car to clock up the first mile of my journey, as there were so many shoppers all trying to leave Cardiff at 6pm.

It suddenly struck me, as I sat in my unmoving vehicle, how the public sector day off strike - was fortuitously timed for the strikers, as it landed on - for many - the last monthly pay day before Christmas.  Just a coincidence, I'm sure.  But how they can all afford to go squandering money in Cardiff when their pensions are being cut, I don't know.

So my pains from yesterday weren't too bad today, and I was always going to make it to the gym come hell or high water anyway.  However, as my shoulder is sore, I thought it was prudent not to do my usual Wednesday shoulder workout.  So I swapped it for my Thursday triceps workout, and didn't do any weights that were too strenuous and may have put pressure on my shoulder.  I then did some stomach exercises and, due to the lingering pain in my right calf, followed those with a relatively sedentary 30 minutes on the exercise bike.  All very sensible of me, I reckon, without sacrificing my workout.

My diet today has been:

- Breakfast:  An apple and a banana;
- Lunch:  A salmon and potato (first 'starchy carbs' I've had in a while - but it was only a little bit, and tasted damn good!) salad;
- Dinner:  A tin of mackerel, a tin of tuna, a few cherry tomatoes and a few chillis.


Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Day 44 : "Sod's Law"

It was only yesterday that, for the first time, it crossed my mind that I've been lucky not to get an injury as yet.  I think it was when I was writing about 'my aches having aches', that I thought well at least they are only aches.  Aches are good, as that means the muscle is breaking down and rebuilding. Pain on the other hand is bad.  Yes indeed, it was only yesterday that I was thinking that I'd gone from 'couch bum' to '43 visits to the gym in 43 days' - literally overnight - and what a lucky chap I was to be injury free.

In such situations, it seems that Sod's Law likes to kick in.

Less than 24 hours later, I'm in the gym doing some bicep curls with 35kg dumbbells.  As the reps started getting harder, I'd begun to cheat a bit by using my shoulders to throw out a few more, when I suddenly felt a muscle pull in the top of my right shoulder.  I probably should have stopped at that point, but as I was at the beginning of my biceps workout, I continued on with 24 barbell curls, 30 preacher curls, and 60 machine single-bicep curls.

After my stomach exercises, I started on the step machine.  About 5 minutes in, I felt something pull in my right calf (which I'd worked pretty hard on Saturday).  But I carried on 'stepping' to finish my usual 30 minutes of cardio, despite my leg not feeling quite right.

Ouch.  So I've come home with a very painful shoulder and a limp.  I've taken some ibuprofen and eaten lots of protein, hoping both will be a lot better by the morning.

That'll learn me for thinking how lucky I am.

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  Nothing.  Not on purpose, but I rushed out of the door this morning forgetting to pick up any fruit.  (I did get a skinny gingerbread latte from Starbucks though... resisting the temptation to buy shortbread to replace the fruit!)
- Lunch:  A mackerel salad;
- Dinner:  A tin of mackerel, a tin of tuna, two pickled eggs, a few cherry tomatoes and a banana.

Tomorrow:  hoping I'll be able to battle my injuries to make it to the gym.  Can't give up now!

Monday, 28 November 2011

Day 43 : "Dissed by Chris Evans"

I woke up with a renewed energy this morning, looking forward to my first week in over a decade as a "thirteen stone something" man.  But I was brought back down to earth by Radio 2.

Driving to Southampton, I was listening to Chris Evans' Breakfast Show.  He was talking about weight loss and different ways to achieve quick results so, as I was stuck in traffic, I thought it might be apt to text him, not really thinking that I'd get a mention.

However, within a couple of minutes of hitting send, my recent achievement was broadcast to the nation.  Well, sort of.  In mis-paraphrasing my text, he totally missed the point, and poo-pooed my methods at the same time.

This was my slightly-full-of-myself text:

"Chris, I've eaten fish and salad and been to the gym every single day for the last six weeks, and dropped from 16 stone 7lb on 16th October to 13 stone 13lb as of yesterday! Simon, Swindon."

But utilising his questionable artistic license, this is what Chris Evans announced (if you're vaguely interested, you can hear it on Listen Again here at 1:10:29 in today's show):

" 'Chris I've eaten fish and salad for the last six months, been to the gym every day, dropped 3 stone from 16 to 13, says Simon in Swindon.'  Si, yeah we know you can do it like that, <chuckling> we're just looking for other ways.  Yeah, we know fish and the gym on the daily menu would probably work, yeah, we are aware, thanks.  And well done by the way. We'll try and share in your thinness."

Six months!?  Of course that wouldn't necessarily be that impressive!  But I've done it in six weeks!! Affronted, I pulled over at the next opportunity, and sent him another text:

"6 weeks, Chris, not 6 months! Simon, Swindon"  I did put a smiley face on the end so as not to seem too aggressive.

But alas, by the time I got to Southampton 45 minutes later, there had been no public apology from the BBC.  Obviously, I'm not as important as Manuel from Fawlty Towers.  (Despite the fact that I was an extra in the made-for-TV film "A Wreath of Roses" in 1987.  My right ear was clearly visible in shot behind Fulton Mackay for a good 30 seconds.)

So Chris Evans is now OFF my Christmas Card list.  The ginger tosser.

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  A banana;
- Lunch:  A tuna salad;
- Dinner:  A tin of tuna, a tin of mackerel, two pickled eggs and a few cherry tomatoes.

Gym:  Monday night chest and stomach workout, and 30 minutes on the cross trainer.

Down-with-the-kids Disclaimer:  In case any of my younger readers think I'm old and past it for listening to Radio 2:  I do listen to Scott Mills on Radio 1 on the way home.  And I don't mind a bit of Dubstep.  Innit.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Day 42 : "Sixth weekly weigh-in -- the results"

So here I am.  Three-quarters of the way into my challenge, and still going strong.  Although the last 3 weeks or so seem to have gone quite quickly, it does seem like an awfully long time ago that I was stuffing my face with all-you-can-eat Chinese, in 'preparation' for my forthcoming diet.

Today, I've had a banana for breakfast and a mackerel salad for lunch.  I did 50 minutes on the cross trainer at the gym this morning, followed by about three-and-a-half hours of house work.

Now, although that should have burned off a few calories, I was quite shocked by the results of my weigh-in this afternoon.  If you remember, I lost 14lbs in week one and 10lb in week two, but since then have been losing a steady 2-3lb a week.  And I really thought that, if anything, the weight loss would slow down even more at this stage.  But the results are below:

Week                     0              1              2               3               4             5              6

Body Fat             32.8%       29.4%       27.4%        26.7%       25.6%     25.5%       24.3%

Muscle Mass       33.9%       35.2%       35.8%        36.2%       36.6%     36.7%       37.4%

Weight                16st 7lb    15st 7lb    14st 11lb    14st 9lb     14st 6lb   14st 3lb    13st 13lb

Yes, I've lost 4lb this week!  I am, quite honestly, gob smacked.  And - of course - really, really chuffed.  I can't quite believe that in six weeks, I've gone from "16 stone something" to "13 stone something".  I honestly can't remember the last time I was "13 stone something".  It was, I think, somewhere in the region of at least a decade ago.

Not only that, but I've seen the biggest increase in muscle mass percentage points since the first week, and the biggest decrease in body fat percentage points since week two.  And what's really pleasing is that I've broken under the '25% body fat' mark - putting me in the 'moderate' range rather than 'high' for the first time in years!!

So quite a momentous week all round!

When I think as to why the weight loss may have increased rather than slowed this week, I can - I reckon - put it down to two things:

(1) With my strength increasing, I've been lifting bigger weights in the gym - really trying to push myself to my limits.  The breaking down and rebuilding process (which is what builds muscles) goes on for about two days in any muscle after you work it - with heavier weights breaking down and rebuilding more muscle, therefore burning more calories.  (I think this is the case with me, anyway, as I've ached more this week than ever before! Even my aches have aches today.)  Plus, muscles burn off calories even when resting - so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn when doing nothing - and (without wanting to boast) I certainly have bigger muscles than I did six weeks ago.  My wife is delighted.

(2) As I mentioned earlier in the week, I've become a bit obsessive with eating protein straight after my workouts.  So I've been eating more fish than before, but eating it as soon as I get in from the gym, which I guess burns the calories off more quickly - and sends the proteins straight to my muscles.  Plus I've been eating a bit less in the way of fruit and veg, which I guess cuts down a bit on natural sugars.

Hey ho, I'm no expert, but that kind of makes sense to me.

Anyway, just to lighten the tone, let's talk about poo.

You may want to make sure you're not eating, or about to eat, if you read on...

I'll try to keep detail to a minimum.  But let's just say that I've always been very regular.  Every morning, virtually without fail.  And - at times of pigging out - sometimes twice a day.  I think last Christmas there may even have been some thrice-daily occasions.

But since the first couple of weeks of my challenge passed, my regularity has dropped, to the point where I can now go 4 days without... y'know... going.

For instance, in the last week:  I dropped the kids off at the pool last Sunday, with the next cable-laying not being until Thursday, and then didn't have a Winnie again until this morning.

I didn't think it was possible to go that long, especially not for a bloke.  I'm not constipated... I suppose I just don't have much to expel.  I guess it must be the lack of food intake, plus the healthiness of what I am actually eating means most of it just converts into muscle/energy with very little waste.

So not only am I hopefully improving my life expectancy with my new lifestyle, but I'll also spend a few less hours per year on the toilet - double bubble!!

Sorry, no more toilet talk, I promise!

Anyway, to move from 'out' to 'in':  it's healthy-treat night tonight, so I think I may forgo fish and salad this evening and cook myself a healthy chicken curry (no rice!) like last Sunday.  As it was a precursor to losing 4lbs this week, it certainly can't be a bad thing!

Coming up:  the final fortnight!!

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Day 41 : "Two very different feelings of satisfaction..."

Today, I bought a new work suit.  Last time I bought a couple of suits - back in the summer - I got a 42" jacket with a 36" trouser... and probably should have got a 38" trouser, but squeezed into a tight 36" as didn't want to admit the fact that I'd put on weight.  In fact, the trousers have stretched with me and are out of shape, and I know that had I bought a suit in the few weeks prior to starting my challenge I would definitely have to have gone for a 38".

Today, I bought a 40" jacket, and a 34" trouser - and there's room to spare.  It felt great.

I did have a chocolate this afternoon though.  Just the one Cappuccino chocolate, from a pack that my wife bought in Thornton's this morning.  I ate it feeling relatively guilt-free though, what with it being the first chocolate I've consumed in virtually six weeks - and now knowing that I could eat just the one, without fear of then gobbling half the packet down.  I have to say though... it tasted great.

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast: Scrambled egg on a piece of toast;
- Lunch:  Two tins of mackerel and a tin of tuna, a few nuts & raisins... and one cappuccino chocolate;
- Dinner:  Not sure yet... but it will no doubt be fish-based...

Gym:  A legs workout.  They are stiff.

Feeling good to be back in a 34" trouser and 40" jacket  for the first time in years!

(And note the marvellous Movember ' tache is still coming on well - )

Tomorrow:  I can't quite believe I'll be at the 3/4 mark in my challenge, with my sixth weekly weigh-in!

Friday, 25 November 2011

Day 40 : "Rewired"

40 days - 40 visits to the gym!

One of the things that I've always thought makes trying to give up nice food, nice wine and vegging out (especially on a Friday night!) isn't so much the act of eating, drinking or doing those things.  It's the association of those types of things with pleasure which is hardwired into many of our brains during our earlier years.  Just the thought of doing those things fires synapses in the brain, which release pleasurable feelings.  Which usually override any feelings of guilt.

I've read before about 're-wiring' your brain, but never thought I'd do it.  But I'm beginning to think, by following this strict regime day-in, day-out, that I may be getting there - almost like brainwashing myself.

Driving home from Basingstoke this evening, I have to admit to getting that 'Friday feeling', which I've not really had for the last 2-3 weeks.  I was feeling a bit tired, and for the first time in a while was not looking forward to going to the gym.  And when I stopped at a petrol station to get fuel I actually eyed up the evil Ginsters - again, for the first time in a while -  thinking how great one would taste.

When I got back in my car and continued heading for Swindon, I began thinking how nice it would be to just veg out on the sofa for the evening, doing nothing but drinking a bottle of wine and eating crap. I didn't actually think I would - I've come to far to slip now - but the fantasy was there.  And the more I thought about it, the more I began to dread going to the gym.

Then something strange happened.

I had Radio 1 on, and a dance tune came on.  Pre-challenge, this would have heightened my 'Friday feeling'; I'd have imagined being in a club or at a party, and my brain would have automatically started to crave a beer and to just enjoy all the self-indulgent delights a weekend has to offer.

But tonight, it made me imagine working out in the gym.

There's usually dance music playing in my gym, so over the last six weeks this must have subtly rewired my brain - to the extent that it seems that I now 'automatically' associate dance music with working out, rather than with weekend indulgence.

And within seconds, I was back in the zone, and looking forward to getting into the gym.  You could have waved a Steak Bake under my nose, and I wouldn't have batted an eyelid.

So I enjoyed a Friday night back, forearms and stomach workout, followed by 30 minutes on the exercise bike.

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  An apple and a banana;
- Lunch:  Some turkey breast and two apples;
- Dinner:  Two pickled eggs, two tins of mackerel, and a few nuts & raisins.

Tomorrow, I'm off to buy a new suit for work.  My current ones are hanging off me: I look like I'm wearing a sack, and I'm having to gather the waists of my trousers in with my belt.  When I got in from work yesterday, I literally took my trousers off without undoing the clasp or zip!

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Day 39 : "Knackered"

Quick post tonight, as got home late this evening from Redhill (don't ya just love the M25!?) so had a later visit to the gym.  And I am actually knackered tonight... I think "gymin' it" through my cold has finally caught up with me.  A warm, comfy bed is calling!

Not much to report anyway - had a pretty standard day.  My daily diet update is thus:

- Breakfast: An apple and a banana;
- Lunch:  A chicken salad.  With lots of jalapenos.  Yum.
- Dinner: Three pickled eggs, a tin of mackerel and 240g of King Prawns.  Double yum, triple yum.   And a banana.

At the gym this evening, I did my Thursday night triceps and stomach workout, and 30 minutes on the cross trainer.  (Although it was a later visit, it is much more pleasant to be there when it's a bit quieter - especially after my early evening visit yesterday when it bore a resemblance to Piccadilly Circus.)

Can't believe I've only got 17 days to go!


Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Day 38 : "Time flies"

Well, I've felt a lot better today.  My cold has almost passed, after less than three days... my colds have often  seemed to hang around for weeks in recent years, so maybe this healthy living lark does have some benefits!  (I'm touching some wood right now as it'll be Sod's law, after making that statement, that I feel dog-rough again tomorrow morning...)

One thing I have noticed is that - as my personal challenge has begun (on the whole) to become a bit easier and a bit more routine - time is flying by.  For the first 2-3 weeks, it seemed like the 8 weeks might last forever; my "56 days of Hell" tagline felt, at times, extremely apt - but maybe more like an eternal damnation to Hell.  However, I was then gob-smacked by how quickly I seemed to move from my fourth weekly weigh-in to my fifth, and can't believe that once I get tomorrow out of the way I'll be getting on for being half-way through week six.  In fact, I've already started to think that I'll be a bit sad when it does all end.

Yes, the whole challenge is somewhat less tortuous now.  Someone tried to tempt me with a chocolate muffin at work today, but I easily resisted, without even remotely wanting to eat it - though I did have a little sniff (thanks, Lara!)

Once again, I was positively champing at the bit to get into the gym tonight - a feeling that still seems so alien, but so good -  and I did a big shoulders workout, followed by some stomach exercises and 30 minutes on the step machine.  It was my first go on a step machine during my challenge, and I only got on it as I got to the gym a bit earlier than usual tonight - during 'peak time' - so all the cross trainers were being used.  And I didn't fancy the bike - as I feel a bit lazy on there sometimes 'cos I'm sitting down.  But the step machine was good - it made me sweat like a dyslexic on Countdown.

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  An apple;
- Lunch:  A bean salad and a tin of mackerel;
- Dinner:  Two pickled eggs, two tins of mackerel, a banana, and a few nuts & raisins.

I'm going to make the most of being home a bit earlier today - gymmed, eaten, showered and blogged already - wow, I can actually have an evening!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Day 37 : "All or nothing"

Now that a reasonable amount of my fat has gone, I've started to find myself obsessing a little bit with how quickly I can start building up muscle.  I don't want to go too mad, as would like to lose more weight before I start plateauing.  But, at the same time, I figure that I've still got a fair bit of fat to lose so should be able to lose that at a faster rate than I build muscle anyway, as long as I continue to keep the fat and carbs in my diet to a minimum.

One of the keys to building muscle (as well as to losing fat) seems to be to get lots of protein into you - particularly before or after a workout.  So I've found for the last few days that - rather than coming in from the gym, showering, writing my blog and then eating - I've been eating the protein from my dinner as soon as I get in, envisaging it jetting straight off into my still pulsating muscles.  It's led to some fairly disjointed meals.  Whilst I'm at the gym, my wife usually boils a couple of eggs for me to have with my salad (...oh yes, it's an exciting life we live in the Wicks household!...)  But yesterday evening when I got in from the gym, I just ate the eggs straight away.  Then I ate all the salmon off my salad, which my wife had lovingly prepared, before eating the vegetables later.

Tonight, I again ate my two eggs as soon as I got in.  And, as my wife hadn't made me a salad tonight (yes, I know, I should trade her in), I decided not to bother wasting time making one myself - so just devoured two tins of tuna instead.  Muscles ahoy!

And I've already started thinking that - once I've shed more fat and finished my initial 8 week challenge - perhaps I'll buy some of that whey protein powder that body builders use, and really start bulking my muscles up.

Sometimes, I do wish I'd do things by halves.

So my diet today has been:

- Breakfast:  An apple;
- Lunch:  An egg and bean salad;
- Dinner:  Two eggs, two tins of tuna, and a few nuts & raisins.

Gym:  Tuesday night biceps and stomach workout, and 30 minutes on the cross trainer.  (Like yesterday, I was feeling a bit rough today, but the gym seems to have temporarily knocked any illness out of me again.  In fact, I feel a bit high.  Woo hoo!)

Monday, 21 November 2011

Day 36 : "Cure for the common cold"

Week 6 did not start well.

One thought that's lingered in the back of my mind since I started my challenge has been "what if I get ill?"  I've asked myself if I could haul myself to the gym if I felt really rough, just so I didn't break my commitments.  The worst thing would have to be sickness and diarrhoea.

Thankfully, the worst hasn't (yet, touch wood!) come true.  But yesterday evening, I started coming down with a cold.  And it came on so strong, from nowhere, that I had a terrible night's sleep - it's one of those horrible dry colds that totally dehydrates you, so that you keep waking up with a ridiculously parched mouth... and because you keep having to drink water in an attempt to hydrate yourself in order to sleep, you then have to keep getting up to pee.  I must have gone five times during the night. And when I did actually get a few snippets of sleep, I kept dreaming I was already at work. Aaaaarghh!

By the time I got up at 6am to drive to Milton Keynes, I felt awful.  Not only was I knackered and full of a cold, but the aches in my muscles from the gym (which I've got used to now, and even enjoy) seemed to be heightened ten-fold.  What a Monday.

By the time I got back home this evening at 7:15pm, I just wanted to curl up in a warm bed - aching, sniffling and feeling sorry for myself - and eat some comfort food.  A big, warm shepherd's pie would have been lovely.

Instead, I put on my shorts, vest and trainers, and hauled myself to the gym.

It really was the last place I wanted to go tonight.  But, amazingly, by the time I started doing some bench presses (Monday night is chest night...) I started feeling a lot better, and by the time I moved onto my stomach exercises I'd forgotten all about my cold.  I did start to feel a bit fatigued when doing sit-ups... and then when I got on the cross trainer I actually spent the first five minutes thinking I might die.

However, then the endorphins kicked in again: I got into the zone, and half an hour later walked out of the gym feeling great!  I've come home, had a salad and am now writing my blog feeling pretty dapper. Probably ten times better than if I'd curled up in bed like a wet lettuce when I got in from work. Endorphins rock!

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  An apple;
- Lunch:  A mackerel salad;
- Dinner:  A salmon salad and a banana.

Now I'm going to go and curl up in bed like a wet lettuce.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Day 35 : "Fifth weekly weigh-in -- the results"

Well, I didn't win at poker last night, so maybe fish and tee-totalism isn't so good for my card skills after all!  (I think I'll get smashed at the next one, and hopefully recoup some money!)  After purposefully skipping dinner, I did eat allow myself to eat some pretzels and munched through a few crisps as well... but didn't go overboard.  I'm so used to not drinking alcohol now that it wasn't too hard watching my friends drink... but I did manage to gulp my way through nearly 4 litres of diet coke, which was probably my way of compensating for the fact that I couldn't drink pints of beer!

Anyway, it was weigh in day today - 5 weeks gone now of 8.  And I'm pleased to say that - despite more modest decreases in body fat and increases in muscle mass - I've shed another 3lb !

                         Week 0         Week 1         Week 2         Week 3        Week 4       Week 5

Body Fat             32.8%            29.4%           27.4%            26.7%          25.6%         25.5%

Muscle Mass       33.9%            35.2%           35.8%            36.2%          36.6%         36.7%

Weight                16st 7lb        15st 7lb        14st 11lb        14st 9lb        14st 6lb       14st 3lb

That now totals 32lb in 5 weeks!

You may remember that 3 weeks ago I found a picture of a 24lb fish to represent how much weight I had lost.  So I thought I'd find one to represent how much I've now lost in 5 weeks... so here is a 32 lb-er:

And, as my waistline shrinks, it's not just my muscles that are growing either.

Yes, my Movember (Hulk Hogan / Rufus Hounds / 70s Porn Star) moustache is - after 20 days of growth - coming on a treat:

So please can I ask you, if you've been enjoying my blog, to make a donation...  no matter how small, as every penny helps and it all goes to a good cause (fighting men's cancers).  You can donate here:

Thank you!

By the way, my diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  An apple;
- Lunch:  A crab salad;
- Dinner:  Not sure yet!  Sunday night is healthy treat night, and there's some chicken in the fridge - so I'm thinking about maybe rustling up a healthy chicken curry.

Gym today:  An hour on the cross trainer.

Now, please go and donate...  :-)

Saturday, 19 November 2011

Day 34 : "Pre-Poker Post"

Very quick post this evening, as will soon be playing poker with some friends - without drinking beer, or eating too many snacks, which will be weird.  I've skipped dinner so I can have a few pretzels this evening though... and I'm hoping the lack of alcohol will make me sharp enough to win!

Did a big legs workout at the gym this morning - I did some proper squat thrusts with a weighted bar for the first time today.  Ouch.

My diet today has been:

- Breakfast: Scrambled egg on toast;
- Lunch:  Tuna salad;
- Dinner:  A few pretzels/snacks this evening!  Washed down with diet coke.

Tomorrow:  The 5-week weigh-in!

Friday, 18 November 2011

Day 33 : "A tee-total-triumph"

Well today marks a fairly momentous day in terms of my health and fitness.

I can now say that I've gone longer without a drop of alcohol than I've ever been before in - I reckon - at least the last two decades.

Now, I'm no alcoholic, but have always been one of those people - like many - that enjoys a drink at the weekend, even if it's just a beer or two on a Friday night after a long week at work.  And a couple more on Saturday.  With the odd 'binge' thrown in from time-to-time when we go out on the razz, or host/attend parties.

In the summer of 2009, when I went on a less-extreme-than-the-current-one health kick, I gave up drinking for 32 days.  Then, on Day 33, I went out with some friends in Old Town and got hammered.

So today marks the longest time I've gone without a drink in - I'm pretty sure - my adult life (and possibly my later-adolescence too!)  And I can genuinely say that I'm not missing it all right now, even if it is a Friday.  I feel so healthy right now, that the thought of giving myself a muzzy head tomorrow sucks.  (Although I'm not sure if I'm going to find it quite so easy at my Poker Night tomorrow...)


I did a big back workout at the gym tonight (I'll be sore tomorrow) followed by a stomach workout and 30 minutes on the cross trainer.  For the first time, I got the courage to do some chin-ups on a bar at the gym, without worrying about looking like an absolute ass.  Well, actually, I did worry about looking like an absolute ass, but don't think I actually ended up looking like one.  I used to have a go on my eldest son's pull-up bar at home and could never do more than 1-2, but now I'm lighter and stronger, I can manage 8-9 in a set... not bad, I suppose, after less than 5 weeks!

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  An apple and a banana;
- Lunch:  A pot of anchovies in garlic & citrus - yum! (No, Becky Johnson, you can't tempt me with your evil doughnuts!)
- Dinner:  A salmon salad.

This weekend, I shall be staying well away from coconut-flavoured nuts.  Begone, Demon Seeds!

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Day 32 : "Cured?"

Today, I had to travel between two offices over lunchtime and wanted to eat in my car.  So I found myself in Tesco in a bit of a quandry.  Tins of mackerel don't really lend themselves well to being eaten in a car - unless, of course, one wants to arrive at ones destination covered in stains and smelling like Billingsgate Fish Market on a sunny afternoon.  And salad's not a very viable option for the M4 either.  Five weeks ago I might have grabbed a sandwich or a wrap but - as you may have realised by now - I've almost totally cut starchy carbs out of my diet.  So that was a no go.

Then I spotted some packs of Biltong.  I remembered reading once that cured meat is really good for you, as it's low in fat and high in protein.  So I checked it out and yes, indeed, it is.  So I ended up enjoying two 50g packs of Biltong whilst driving, and it was delicious - with only 2.4g of saturated fat per 100g, 2.7g of carbohydrate, and a whopping 46g of protein.

Back to fish tomorrow though, no doubt.  I have this weird mindset that I can't treat my taste buds too much or too often - even if the tasty food is fairly healthy - as otherwise it might be Biltong today and half a pound of chocolate tomorrow.

So my diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  An apple and a banana;
- Lunch:  100g of Biltong;
- Dinner:  Poached salmon and veg.

At the gym tonight, I did a triceps and forearm workout, and 30 minutes on the exercise bike.

Since my Men's Health Big Book of Exercises arrived on Friday, I've dipped into it most days for ideas (like the forearms workout!).  And something weird is happening.  I've started to find myself laying in bed at night, or driving along in my car, with my mind drifting to thinking about my next trip to the gym and looking forward - really looking forward - to working out.  I honestly thought that forcing myself to go to the gym every day would become a real drag, but it's amazingly turning out to be quite the opposite - I think I might actually be becoming addicted to exercise.  That is something that I've heard people say before but really, genuinely, could never imagine myself ever saying - let alone feeling.

Now, bear in mind that when I set myself this challenge and committed to it in my first blog post - five weeks ago - it was four days before I even began the challenge, and I had no idea how it would turn out, or even if I'd be able to stick to it.  Like many people, throughout the years I would force myself to exercise at times, but I could never say I loved it, and it would always slip after a few days or weeks.

But I can now genuinely say that by forcing myself for a few weeks to work out every single day, it seems that I have actually started to become a bit obsessed with doing it - whereas I never felt like that at the points in my life where I maybe just worked out, a bit half-heartedly, 2-3 times a week.

Remember, I'm not some fitness addict saying this.  Or, at least, five weeks ago I wasn't: I had turned into an overweight, unfit, over-eating, non-exercising slob.  However, I am genuinely starting to think that by really forcing myself do this challenge in an almost obsessive way, I actually may have found a way to actually want to have a changed lifestyle, for good.  (Well, I can only hope.)

God, after that little speech, I'm going to look like such a twat if I stop going to the gym in three-and-half-weeks time and stuff my face with pies instead...

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Day 31 : "Just another day"

Day 31 was really quite a nondescript day in terms of my challenge.  Had a boiled egg and a banana for breakfast, went to work and enjoyed some comments about my weight loss, had a four-bean salad and a tin of mackerel for lunch, popped home and then went to the gym where I did a shoulders and stomach workout followed by 30 minutes on the cross trainer, came home and had a shower, and then made a tuna salad.  And ate it.  All without really giving any of it a second thought.

Maybe this is now normality.

Oh, and I did eat a Fruitella.  Just the one.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Day 30 : "Room to spare"

Very quick post tonight, as had a late meeting this evening so didn't make it to the gym until just before 9pm.  Still did my full biceps and stomach workout though, followed by 30 minutes on the cross trainer, and got back in at 10pm.  I hope the late, great Roy Castle is getting his trumpet out in heaven and playing a bit of "Dedication" for me.

I forgot to mention yesterday (I was probably so incensed by the watermelon-graffiti incident that I forgot), but around 5 weeks ago - not long before I started my challenge - I bought some new shirts for work.  It was only when I went to put one of them on that I realised I'd bought a 'slim fit' in error.  I could barely get the buttons done up, and it was a million miles away from doing up round the neck. (In hindsight, that was maybe one of the things that subconsciously spurred me into starting this challenge.)  But yesterday morning, I got that shirt out again and wore it to work.  It fitted a treat, with room to spare - I could even get all the fingers on one hand down between my neck and the collar. Chuffed wasn't the word.

My diet today:

- Breakfast:  A boiled egg and a banana;
- Lunch:  Two tins of mackerel;
- Dinner:  A mackerel salad.

I've arranged a poker night at my house for this Saturday with a few of 'the lads'.  This will be a real test, as our poker nights are normally times for drinking copious amounts of beer and whiskey, and munching on crisps and nuts.  I have to remain sober and healthy, without joining them in their indulgence.  If I can do this, I can do anything...

Monday, 14 November 2011

Day 29 : "Bloody Chav"

Just a quick post tonight, as I stopped to do the weekly shop on the way home from Milton Keynes, so had a late visit to the gym.  How strange, yet wonderful, it still seems to see a trolley so full of salad and fruit, and devoid of pies and chocolates.  The delight was marred only slightly by the inbreds in Asda:  I had to exchange my water melon at the checkout, as when putting it in my bag I noticed someone had scrawled "F Off" on it in blue biro, and signed it.  The bastard.

Slight confession.  I ate some deep fried chicked coujons at the quiz night last night, after someone put them on my table.  I didn't order them.  But I class Sunday night as treat night so, although it wasn't quite as healthy as a plate of veg, I'm not going to beat myself up over it after losing 3lb.  What goes on on Sunday night, stays on Sunday night.

Conversely, my very healthy diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  An apple;
- Lunch:  A crayfish medley (check me!) and a banana;
- Dinner:  A mackerel salad.

Gym:  Monday night chest & stomach workout, and 30 minutes on the cross trainer.  Used some training ideas from my Men's Health Big Book of Exercises which arrived on Friday.  Woop woop!

Off for a shower now, before I stick to the chair.  Night!

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Day 28 : "Fourth weekly weigh-in -- the results"

So, I've arrived at the half-way point.  The home stretch lays before me.  That feels good... as it doesn't seem that long ago that I was in my first week, and 8 weeks seemed like such a long, insurmountable, way away.  It also feels great to be able to say that I've now been to the gym every single day for 4 weeks, and that I've not touched a drop of alcohol for 28 days.  (I remember going tee-total in the summer of 2009 for 32 days when on a previous health kick - the longest I've gone without a drink, probably, in my adult life - so I've just got another four days of sobriety to go to top that!)

My Sunday gym visit usually consists of just 30 minutes on the cross trainer.  However today - partly because I skipped my cardio on Friday following my dental treatment, and partly in penance for consuming too many nuts yesterday - I spent 60 minutes on the cross trainer instead, and then threw in 20 minutes on the rowing machine for good measure (after only eating a banana for breakfast). Following on from a big legs workout yesterday morning, my legs are now stiff as planks.  It kinda feels good... even though I'm walking like I just shit myself.

Anyway, the regime seems to be paying off.  Here are my results from this afternoon's mid-way weigh-in:

                         Week 0                Week 1               Week 2              Week 3             Week 4

Body Fat            32.8%                   29.4%                 27.4%                26.7%               25.6%

Muscle Mass      33.9%                   35.2%                 35.8%                36.2%               36.6%

Weight               16st 7lb                15st 7lb              14st 11lb             14st 9lb            14st 6lb

Yep, I've lost another 3lb this week, breaking through the 2 stone total weight loss barrier!! And my body fat continues to drop rapidly - a 1.1% percentage point decrease this week! - as my muscle mass continues to grow.  Rock!

A couple of people have asked me what my gym regime consists of, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to post my usual weekly work-out plan.  I'm no expert, but I've tried to combine a mixture of weights (6 days a week, for burning fat and building muscle), cardio (6 days a week, for burning fat and conditioning) and - since the beginning of week two - 5 stomach sessions a week (as, one day, if I eventually manage to get rid of all the fat, perhaps there'll be a muscle lurking under there somewhere...)  I also (apart from today) take it a bit easier at the weekend, so that I can look forward to the weekend a bit more, and don't totally run myself into the ground...

Mon:  Chest workout, stomach & 30 mins cardio
Tues:  Biceps workout, stomach & 30 mins cardio
Weds: Shoulders workout, stomach & 30 mins cardio
Thurs:  Triceps workout, stomach & 30 mins cardio
Fri:  Back workout, stomach & 30 mins cardio
Sat:  Legs workout
Sun:  30 mins cross trainer

For cardio on Mon-Fri, I sometimes use the exercise bike or rowing machine, but mainly cross train as it burns off more calories (personally, I hate running / running machines, so don't put myself through that!)

Anyway, I'm off to a charity quiz night tonight - time to see if all that fish has paid any dividends to my brain!

Coming up:  Another 4 weeks of hell !

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Day 27 : "Nuts for Nuts"

So, today started off good.  I had a banana for breakfast, went to the gym for my against-medical-advice-legs-workout (thankfully, without blood gushing from my mouth), and then had a tin of tuna when I got home.

My wife's away so, after dropping my son off at his friend's house, I took my two younger sons into town as I had to get two new front tyres for my car.  I had an hour to kill as the garage had to go pick up the tyres, so I took George and Henry into the town centre, telling them I'd treat them to a McDonalds for lunch.  Then I remembered that I'm on a diet, so was therefore about to torture myself. I love McDonalds, so a trip there would normally consist of a Big Mac and large fries.  I thought about having nothing, but it was lunch time after all and the food smelt so good.  So I found the healthiest sounding thing on the menu - a grilled chicken salad wrap - and ordered that.  When the server asked me if I wanted the meal (i.e. with fries) I almost caved, but managed to say 'no'.  I felt very healthy eating my wrap, as my boys tucked into cheeseburgers and fries.

After lunch, George and Henry asked if they could have some sweets (yeah, great, thanks kids), so I took them into the market, and we ended up in a Thai shop buying some Thai chocolate & strawberry biscuity-things.  Then I spotted them.  Coconut flavour nuts.  I love coconut.  I love nuts.  But both together!?  I grabbed a tin, telling myself I'd save them for Christmas.

Three minutes later, I was stood outside the market eating a handful of them.  They were delicious.

Throughout this afternoon, I've had quite a few more handfuls of them.  Thankfully they are - according to the tin - "dry roasted without oil", and the odd handful of nuts are good for you, plus they're quite high in protein.  But what I've eaten amounts to more than "odd", so I've probably also consumed more fat than I've had in any one day since I started my challenge almost four weeks ago, not to mention the carbs they contain too.  But they're shut away in the cupboard now, and won't be coming out again today.  Bad nuts, Naughty nuts.

So my diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  A banana;
- Post-gym snack:  A tin of tuna;
- Lunch:  A grilled chicken wrap;
- Afternoon snack:  Too many coconut flavour nuts;
- Dinner:  A salmon salad.

Must do better!

Tomorrow:  My mid-way weigh-in!!

Friday, 11 November 2011

Day 26 : "A medical dilemma"

Today I faced a real dilemma, which has totally tested my commitment to my 8 week challenge.

This afternoon, I visited the dentist to have a broken wisdom tooth removed.  I can't say it was the most pleasant experience of my life.

As I stood back in reception waiting to pay for my treatment, feeling a bit wobbly and biting down on a gauze to try and stop the bleeding, I began to read the "Post Extraction Advice" sheet that my dentist had handed me.  There was advice on not eating or drinking for 3 hours, rinsing with salt water after every meal for 5 days, biting on a gauze swab if the wound bleeds, taking painkillers, avoiding smoking, avoiding alcohol ("no problem" I thought smugly), not probing the hole with my tongue (eeugh).  No great shakes.  But when I got to the last two points, my mind started racing:

9)  DO NOT do anything strenuous i.e. exercising for 24 hours.

10)  DO NOT lift anything heavy for 24 hours.

No exercising!!  But my 8 week challenge states that I MUST exercise EVERY day, and during week two I revised this to I WILL visit the gym EVERY day!

My first rational thought was that I'd have to give it a miss for today, and probably tomorrow as well (as, due to my wife going off to visit a friend and my eldest, 14-year old son - AKA live-in babysitter - also going to a friend's, I can only visit the gym before 11am tomorrow - which will still be well within the 24 hours).  After all, the medical advice stated "DO NOT".  I'd just had a major tooth extraction, was feeling pretty woozy, and my mouth was bleeding.  Doing anything strenuous within the next day, which would send blood rushing to my head, could cause the hole to start bleeding copiously again.  It was a good enough reason not to go.

Then I started to imagine, instead of being able to say to people after I eventually finish my challenge, "I went to the gym every day for 56 days," I'd have to say "I went to the gym every day for 56 days, oh, apart from the two days I took off when I had a tooth out."  It wouldn't be the same.  I'd have broken my challenge, even if it was on the basis of medical advice.

So I resolved there and then to go anyway.  I could do a lesser workout: rather than doing my usual Friday night back and stomach workout plus 30 minutes cardio, I could just do the back workout and give the abs and cardio a miss for one night, so as not to be as strenuous.  At the same time, I imagined myself in front of the mirror in the gym, lifting weights with blood pumping out of my mouth (DO NOT lift anything heavy for 24 hours.)  But Friday night is my back night!

However, things went downhill when I got home.  I felt pretty crap from the injections and the extraction. But to make it worse, I hadn't had lunch before I went to the dentist, and was then instructed by my Post Extraction Advice sheet " DO NOT have anything to eat or drink for 3 hours".

So my body was living off a single banana that I'd eaten at about 7:45am.  By 5pm, I was feeling dizzy every time I stood up - I'd literally run out of fuel.  I was so unsteady on my feet, that I just couldn't imagine being in the gym.

At 5:30pm, I ate two slices of toast with marmite and a banana (I felt like I needed some carbs to fuel my body, and didn't fancy getting tuna stuck in my new hole anyway...).  Then I put on my gym gear, and went.

I did my full back workout, and threw in a few sit-ups for good luck.

No fainting.  No blood.  (Maybe I've got that to come during my visit tomorrow morning!)  Although, with the life coming back into my gums and the blood pumping round my head, my mouth did bloody hurt.

But what do they say?  "No pain, no gain!"

My diet today:

- Breakfast:  A banana;
- Lunch:  Nothing;
- Pre-gym snack:  Two slices of toast with marmite, and a banana;
- Dinner:  I'm actually going to eat some more toast and marmite, and some fruit- it will be a lot easier to keep it on one side of my mouth than salad and fish.  I really don't like the thought of bits of lettuce and tuna getting stuck in my extraction hole.  Yuk.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Day 25 : "Sweets and Sherry"

Today, I ate a sweet.

I didn't feel bad.  I didn't worry before eating it that I might subsequently go to Tesco, buy three bags of pear drops and eat the lot.  I just had the one, in the office, as my colleague Lucy was passing around some ridiculously sour sweets and I wanted to try it.  So I sucked it until it was gone, relishing it, and then thought about sweets no more.  Result.

But driving home from work, I did start thinking about alcohol.  I was actually wondering if - having now gone verging on four weeks without a drink - I could become tee-total for good.  And I reckon I could do it right up to Christmas Day.  I'm not craving a beer.  I don't really fancy a glass of wine.  But, I can't imagine Christmas morning without a glass of sherry!  How sad is that?  I think I'm starting to get past that neuro-programmed issue of associating alcohol and good food with having a good time... but turning into an old lady instead.

I've just got back from the gym, where I did my Thursday night triceps and stomach workout and 30 minutes on the cross trainer.  I had that weird experience again, during the 2-minute drive there, of desperately wanting to get in there, even though I'd been there for the previous 24 days.  I was feeling a bit tired before I went, but knew once I got in there it would energise me - and it did.  (A few weeks ago, I never thought I'd be writing stuff like this in a million years!)

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  Just a banana.  The apple had turned a bit, so I didn't bother with it;
- Lunch:  A pea and Edamame bean salad, and a tin of mackerel;
- Dinner:  A mackerel salad and some water melon.

Tomorrow afternoon:  I'm going to have a broken wisdom tooth removed at the dentist.  I'm worried that I might get a sudden craving to drink the cup of that nice-tasting purple mouth swill.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Day 24 : "Belt up"

Just a quick post tonight, as am a bit later than usual.

I took my belt in another notch for work today.  I've now gone from it being on the widest-set hole possible to the narrowest-set hole possible in 24 days.  So I'm going to have to buy a new belt soon, if I continue to be a 'Loser'.  I'll also need new suits as am having to gather them in with the belt - but I'll maybe wait a few more weeks, as would hope to lose a fair bit more fat before the eight weeks is up.  This challenge could turn out to be expensive for me, but pretty lucrative for (John Lewis / House of Fraser / Retail Outlet Village / Top Man / George of Asda - delete as you think appropriate...)

If, next time you see me, you think I look "a bit 90s", it may be because I'm wearing clothes that I haven't worn for a few years.  I'm hoping to soon be able to get back into my red moleskin trousers...

My diet today:

- Breakfast:  An apple and a banana;
- Lunch:  Raw tender-stem broccoli and a tin of mackerel (I just enjoy watching people's faces now when I eat raw broccoli...);
- Dinner:  A tuna and mackerel salad, and some water melon.

Gym:  Wednesday night shoulders and stomach workout, and 30 minutes on the exercise bike.

Good night!

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Day 23 : "A new addiction?"

At lunchtime today, I found myself in Waterstones, browsing "The Men's Health Big Book of Exercises", and getting excited about all the different ideas for weight workouts in there.  I even decided to buy it (but not wanting to part with the £16.99 Waterstones were charging, I phoned my wife who found it on eBay for me for £8.98... no wonder the High Street is doing so badly...)

And then, you would think that after 22 days in a row of going to the gym, I would be starting to get a bit tired of it.  But - I think after browsing the "Big Book of Exercises" - I found myself quite anxious to get in there this evening, wanting to add some different sets to my usual Monday biceps workout (followed by a stomach workout and 30 minutes on the cross trainer).  Gaining more confidence in the gym, I'm moving away more from the machines this week and trying more free-weight exercises - with the big boys in front of the mirror.  Scary.

Excited about exercise!?  This is not me!  I believe I may have been body-snatched, and the alien parasite now living inside me is fooling itself into believing its me, whilst writing this.  Somebody find the real Simon Wicks and return him at once!

I also attracted some strange comments at work today, when someone noticed that I was eating a pack of raw tenderstem broccoli for lunch, along with a tin of mackerel.  What on earth is wrong with that, I ask you!?

Anyway, my diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast :  10 points if you guessed it - An apple and a banana!
- Lunch:  Yes, raw tenderstem broccoli and a tin of mackerel;
- Dinner:  A mackerel salad.

I think it might take a bit longer than 8 weeks to look like this dude from my eagerly-anticipated book... but my wife's hoping...

Monday, 7 November 2011

Day 22 : "Re-focused after 'treat night'..."

So, week 4 of 8 begins.

Last night, after my king prawn and crab salad, I had a bit of a carb. frenzy - well, I ate 4 slices of brown toast with marmite.  Sunday is my treat night, after all.  And eating 4 slices of brown toast is sure healthier than an old treat night - which would have consisted of curry (along with starter, popadums, rice, peshwari naan and bombay potato), chocolate and beer or wine.  Or both.

But I'm back on it today, properly, 100%.  I'm determined to lose more than just 2lb this week, despite the muscle gain, so will be keeping carbs and 'extra' fruit in the evening to an absolute minimum.  I'm also going to swap squash for water, and lots of it, as apparently that's good for weight loss.

I'm doing things a bit arse-about-face today, as my wife has gone to the cinema, so I'm writing my blog as I eat some low-fat soup, and then going to the gym later when she gets home.  Tonight will be my Monday workout - chest, stomach and 30 minutes of cardio.  I'll get out of there at about 10pm.  I must be mad.

This means that I'm not eating as late this evening as I normally do, which can only be good for the waist line.  But I know I'm going to be ravenous by the time I get to eat my banana and apple for breakfast in the morning... I shall have to try not to eat my pillow, or to drink my delicious-smelling tangerine flavour shampoo during my morning shower.

So, anyway, my diet today has been:

- Breakfast:  An apple and a banana;
- Lunch:  Two tins of sardines and some rocket;
- Dinner:  Low-fat tomato soup.

Bring on week 4 !!

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Day 21 : "Third weekly weigh-in -- the results"

So, I'm now 3 weeks in, and still going.  After my Sunday morning visit to the gym to do half an hour of cardio, I can now proudly say that I've managed to go to the gym every single day for 3 weeks solid.  A month ago, that's not something I thought I would ever be saying.

In the last three weeks, I've travelled about three-and-a-half times round the world on a cross trainer. I've consumed four cargo holds full of fish.  I've munched through the equivalent to half of the Amazon rainforest in salad.  (Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a tad there... but it feels like it...)

I have, though, taken my belt in by four whole notches since I started - a difference of 10cm / 4 inches.

Anyway, I've just carried out this week's weigh-in.  And this week I have lost... 2lb.

                          Week 0                Week 1               Week 2              Week 3

Body Fat            32.8%                   29.4%                 27.4%                26.7%

Muscle Mass      33.9%                   35.2%                 35.8%                36.2%

Weight               16st 7lb                 15st 7lb              14st 11lb             14st 9lb

I have to admit to being a bit disappointed when I saw that, after the dramatic weight loss of the first two weeks, and knowing that I've still been really 'on it' this week.  I knew it would start slowing down, but had secretly been hoping to have maybe lost something like 4-6lb this week.  Maybe it was the 8 jelly sweets on Monday and yesterday's jacket potato.  The bastards!

That said, I do still feel a lot slimmer, even compared to last week. As you can see: my body fat is still decreasing, and my muscle mass is still increasing, so it's not all about the actual weight loss... my body is still going through some great changes, and I've obviously lost more than 2lb in actual fat.

Each Sunday, my wife is taking a front and side shot of me, like the 'Before' photos.  I'm not planning on posting them all until the end of the 8 weeks, as don't want to detract from what I hope will be a fairly dramatic difference between the Before and After photos.  However, I can already see a huge difference between the 'Before' photos and each of the following three sets of photos.

So, I guess, even if I only lose 2lb every week for the remaining 5 weeks, I'll still have lost a lot more than I'd hoped for when I started out.  That's what I'm telling myself.  Although, I do still hope I lose a bit more again in the next week.  Time will tell...

Anyway, we went shopping this afternoon and I've bought myself some king prawns and crab, which I'm going to cook with some chilli and spices for a dinner-time treat.  And eat them with some salad.

21 days gone... just 35 to go......

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Day 20 : "Temptation"

Got up and went to the gym this morning, for a good legs workout.

Then at lunchtime we made the trip to the Harvester on Drove Road (The Grove) to celebrate my Gramp's 90th Birthday.  And didn't I do well !  I was actually going to allow myself to have a steak. But, when it came to ordering, I couldn't do it... and so asked for the Grilled Sea Bass instead, with a Parsley Sauce and Jacket Potato.  When the waitress asked if I wanted butter on the potato, I said 'no', but then changed my mind to 'yes' as thought it might be a bit dry without.  But when it actually came out, I removed most of the nob of butter and put it to one side.

I only chose the healthy stuff from the salad bar, but did allow myself half a new potato in mayonnaise (rather than half a bowl, as I would have used to have helped myself to).  And a few pasta shells.

I have to admit to looking at the various steaks, burgers and racks of rib that came out for the others with some envy.  I could feel the little devil inside of me jumping up and down with rage.  But I suppressed him, and did feel quite proud eating my fish.  If a little sad.

For dessert, despite really wanting a huge Cadbury's Sundae, I ordered a fruit skewer and Cornish vanilla ice cream.  Without the Cornish vanilla ice cream.

I did sniff some of my wife's Chocolate Fudge Cake, and marvelled at how my mum ate a Sundae that was bigger than her.  Whilst thinking I could probably have eaten two of them.  I don't think anyone noticed me drool.

Thank God for Unlimited Refill Diet Cokes.

And as if the lunchtime experience - whilst very enjoyable - wasn't hard enough on the willpower, this evening we went to a bonfire and fireworks display in Ashton Keynes which proved even more testing. My wife and two of my sons ate toffee apples.  My other son tucked into some candy floss followed by a hot dog.  I watched them.  I also eyed up other people drinking steaming mulled wine. Mmmmmm...  In fact, the air was full of the smells of delicious treats, like being at the fairground. How I resisted, I don't know - but I did.  I really fancied some soup, but there was none - only delicious-looking but not-allowed hot chocolate - so I went without anything.  But now I'm back home I'm going to have some low-fat soup for my tea instead of salad.  And a tin of tuna.

So all-in-all - despite, it seemed, temptation at every turn - my diet today has consisted only of:

- Breakfast:  A banana;
- Lunch:  A bowl of salad; grilled sea bass with parsley sauce, green beans and a jacket potato; and some fruit;
- Dinner:  A bowl of soup and a tin of tuna.

Taken at lunch time today - 
proof of my ability to resist steak!

Weigh-in tomorrow!

Friday, 4 November 2011

Day 19 : "Dreading a Barney tomorrow"

Just got back from the gym, and I feel more knackered at the moment than I have in the past 3 weeks.  I'm writing my blog before I shower for a change, as I can't be arsed to stand up for 5 minutes and wash myself right now.  I did my Friday back and stomach workout, and then really struggled on the cross-trainer - I only burnt off 496 calories in 30 minutes, having never done less than 502 (or more than 532) in the last 3 weeks... I know that doesn't sound like much difference, but I could feel the pace was that much slower than usual.  I think it might be because I've done the cross-trainer 5 days out of the last 6 (only using the exercise bike - which is a bit less intense for cardio once this week, on Wednesday).  Anyway, Saturday is my one day off doing any cardio (leg weights only), so I'm sure I'll be good again for cross-training on Sunday morning.  If not, I may be one of the first people in my gym to fall off a cross trainer and slide across the floor.

So, this is my 3rd Friday with no alcohol and no treats.  And it feels okay.  Possibly because my wife didn't make me go to the shop and buy her goodies this week.  I'm slightly dreading tomorrow though:  it's my gramp's 90th birthday celebration, and we're going out for a family lunch at a Harvester.  It will be my first meal out since I started my challenge, and I'm going to have to avoid eating any burgers or chips. Or onion rings.  Or garlic bread.  Or ice cream.  Or chocolate sundae. Mmmmmm......  Oh, and not to mention the beer.  It could be a dreaded Barney Gumble moment.

I'm thinking I may have a steak.  As long as I cut the fat off.  Lots of protein.  It would be the first red meat I'd have had in almost 3 weeks, after all.  And a jacket potato.  And peas.  And lots of salad. See, life ain't that bad... (keep telling yourself that, Si, keep telling yourself that...)

My diet today:

- Breakfast:  A banana and an apple.  Yes, I did eat them in that order for the first time.  But it wasn't as good.  The apple is less satisfying after the fullness of the banana.  I've experimented, and I didn't like the result.  So back to a good old apple-followed-by-a-banana on Monday;
- Lunch:  A tuna salad;
- Dinner:  A salmon salad.

Wish me luck for my trip to the Harvester tomorrow!

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Day 18 : "One hump or two"

I held a meeting in Bristol for my management team today and - as I usually buy a few refreshments/goodies to go on the board room table - I found myself in Tesco at 9am this morning buying packets of biscuits and mints, knowing that I had to deny myself whilst watching other people around the table eating them.  That sucked.  I did let myself eat one soft mint this morning though, but restrained myself from eating any more.  I nearly slipped up after lunch (mackerel...), as unwittingly reached for a Jammy Dodger out of habit.  Thankfully, I realised what I was doing just before I grabbed it ... if I had picked it up and bitten into it without thinking, I'd have been awash with a mixture of pleasure and guilt.  A bit like enjoying watching Russell Grant on Strictly Come Dancing.

I did eat an extra strong mint instead though.

Made my 18th visit to the gym.  Did a triceps and stomach workout, and 30 minutes on the cross trainer.  I'm thinking of upping the cardio from week four to 45 minutes, just to stretch myself a bit more, but am worried more about boredom than fatigue, what with doing cardio 6 times a week. That's a lot of time on a cross-trainer or exercise bike.  So not sure what to do there.  Exercise dilemmas.  I suppose better than deciding whether to have one pasty or two.  Or three.

My diet today:

- Breakfast:  An apple and a banana (I think tomorrow I might eat them in the other order, just to keep it fresh);
- Morning snack:  A soft mint;
- Lunch:  Two tins of mackerel and a banana;
- Afternoon snack:  An extra strong mint;
- Dinner:  A mackerel salad.

I just wanted to mention at this point, that a couple of people have said they are worried about me not eating enough and losing weight too quickly.  I just want to reassure those people, that I am eating plenty.  My salads in the evening are huge and, now my stomach has shrunk, do really fill me up. Most evenings I have one or two eggs with my salad, and I do sometimes have another piece of fruit after my salad (I just don't usually document that, as tend to eat my dinner after I post.)

Admittedly, the lesser calorie intake and lack of too many carbs can make me a bit tired at certain times, but most of the time I feel totally energised and generally feel healthier right now than I have in years, what with all the protein, vitamins and exercise!  So I'm really not going to waste away just yet. I'm still like a camel with plenty of stored energy - but hopefully more of a Dromedary than a Bactrian now.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Day 17 : "Getting there..."

As week 3 moves on, it's getting a bit easier again.  No more bad food cravings like I had on Monday. In fact, I worked from home this afternoon - as was having a new hands-free kit fitted in my car - and didn't even think about the crisps and sweets in the cupboard, or the pies in the freezer... things my mind would have used to wander to - and my mouth would have eaten - if I'd spent the afternoon in my study.

That said, I took advantage of being at home to have something different to a shop-bought salad for lunch, and savoured a cup-a-soup, plus some tuna, red onion & mustard on a piece of brown toast. Living the high life!

And then, just before I made my 17th consecutive trip to the gym (something I still find hard to believe), my wife made a big bowl of popcorn... one of my favourite snacks.  Banishing thoughts of Monday to the back of my mind, I ate 4 tiny pieces of popcorn and then happily stopped.  Although I did make a sharp exit to the gym.  Just in case.

Diet today:

- Breakfast:  An apple and a banana;
- Lunch:  A cup-a-soup, plus tuna, red onion & mustard on toast;
- Dinner:  A tuna salad

Gym:  Wednesday night shoulders (one of which now hurts - I think I might have pulled a muscle) and stomach workout, and 30 minutes on the exercise bike.  I'm actually starting to feel quite fit, and no longer feel like the fat bloke in the gym.  Maybe it's the Hulk Hogan moustache.

17 days gone already... only 39 to go... God help me....

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Day 16: "Digging Deep"

Today, the 1st November, I've started a new side-arm to my 8-week challenge.

For the next 31 days, I'll be growing a comedy 'tache to go with my new body.

Yes, as I mentioned in my very first post, this year I'm participating in Movember.  And this evening I'm going to dedicate my blog to it - just for today.  You could click out of this page right now... but please can I implore you to read on and help me out?

For those of you that don't know it, Movember is a charity that raises awareness of, and funds for, the fight against prostate and testicular cancer in men - through its supporters across the country growing silly moustaches throughout November.  In the UK this year, 10,000 men will die of prostate cancer, and 2,000 men will be diagnosed with testicular cancer.

I'm delighted with the ongoing support I've had from lots of you in my fight to get fit over the last fortnight.  I've had to 'dig deep' at times to keep myself on track.  So, if you've been enjoying my blog - and, quite frankly, if you'd like to see some photos of me looking like a twat in a month's time with a stupid moustache - please can I ask you also to 'dig deep' yourself right now and donate a few pounds to this very worthy cause?  You can make a donation at my mospace site, here:

Your donation will save lives.  Of someone's brother, father or son.

Thank you.

Quick update on my challenge then: today was good, after yesterday's little wobble.  My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  An apple and a banana
- Lunch:  A tuna salad
- Dinner:  A mackerel salad

Gym:  Tuesday night biceps and stomach workout, followed by 30 minutes on the cross trainer.

Back to normal postings tomorrow night... in the meantime, please be one of the first to donate... my moustache will appreciate it so very much.

This time, the 'tache will be for real!