Today, I ate a sweet.
I didn't feel bad. I didn't worry before eating it that I might subsequently go to Tesco, buy three bags of pear drops and eat the lot. I just had the one, in the office, as my colleague Lucy was passing around some ridiculously sour sweets and I wanted to try it. So I sucked it until it was gone, relishing it, and then thought about sweets no more. Result.
But driving home from work, I did start thinking about alcohol. I was actually wondering if - having now gone verging on four weeks without a drink - I could become tee-total for good. And I reckon I could do it right up to Christmas Day. I'm not craving a beer. I don't really fancy a glass of wine. But, I can't imagine Christmas morning without a glass of sherry! How sad is that? I think I'm starting to get past that neuro-programmed issue of associating alcohol and good food with having a good time... but turning into an old lady instead.
I've just got back from the gym, where I did my Thursday night triceps and stomach workout and 30 minutes on the cross trainer. I had that weird experience again, during the 2-minute drive there, of desperately wanting to get in there, even though I'd been there for the previous 24 days. I was feeling a bit tired before I went, but knew once I got in there it would energise me - and it did. (A few weeks ago, I never thought I'd be writing stuff like this in a million years!)
My diet today has consisted of:
- Breakfast: Just a banana. The apple had turned a bit, so I didn't bother with it;
- Lunch: A pea and Edamame bean salad, and a tin of mackerel;
- Dinner: A mackerel salad and some water melon.
Tomorrow afternoon: I'm going to have a broken wisdom tooth removed at the dentist. I'm worried that I might get a sudden craving to drink the cup of that nice-tasting purple mouth swill.
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