Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Day 24 : "Belt up"

Just a quick post tonight, as am a bit later than usual.

I took my belt in another notch for work today.  I've now gone from it being on the widest-set hole possible to the narrowest-set hole possible in 24 days.  So I'm going to have to buy a new belt soon, if I continue to be a 'Loser'.  I'll also need new suits as am having to gather them in with the belt - but I'll maybe wait a few more weeks, as would hope to lose a fair bit more fat before the eight weeks is up.  This challenge could turn out to be expensive for me, but pretty lucrative for (John Lewis / House of Fraser / Retail Outlet Village / Top Man / George of Asda - delete as you think appropriate...)

If, next time you see me, you think I look "a bit 90s", it may be because I'm wearing clothes that I haven't worn for a few years.  I'm hoping to soon be able to get back into my red moleskin trousers...

My diet today:

- Breakfast:  An apple and a banana;
- Lunch:  Raw tender-stem broccoli and a tin of mackerel (I just enjoy watching people's faces now when I eat raw broccoli...);
- Dinner:  A tuna and mackerel salad, and some water melon.

Gym:  Wednesday night shoulders and stomach workout, and 30 minutes on the exercise bike.

Good night!

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