Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Day 38 : "Time flies"

Well, I've felt a lot better today.  My cold has almost passed, after less than three days... my colds have often  seemed to hang around for weeks in recent years, so maybe this healthy living lark does have some benefits!  (I'm touching some wood right now as it'll be Sod's law, after making that statement, that I feel dog-rough again tomorrow morning...)

One thing I have noticed is that - as my personal challenge has begun (on the whole) to become a bit easier and a bit more routine - time is flying by.  For the first 2-3 weeks, it seemed like the 8 weeks might last forever; my "56 days of Hell" tagline felt, at times, extremely apt - but maybe more like an eternal damnation to Hell.  However, I was then gob-smacked by how quickly I seemed to move from my fourth weekly weigh-in to my fifth, and can't believe that once I get tomorrow out of the way I'll be getting on for being half-way through week six.  In fact, I've already started to think that I'll be a bit sad when it does all end.

Yes, the whole challenge is somewhat less tortuous now.  Someone tried to tempt me with a chocolate muffin at work today, but I easily resisted, without even remotely wanting to eat it - though I did have a little sniff (thanks, Lara!)

Once again, I was positively champing at the bit to get into the gym tonight - a feeling that still seems so alien, but so good -  and I did a big shoulders workout, followed by some stomach exercises and 30 minutes on the step machine.  It was my first go on a step machine during my challenge, and I only got on it as I got to the gym a bit earlier than usual tonight - during 'peak time' - so all the cross trainers were being used.  And I didn't fancy the bike - as I feel a bit lazy on there sometimes 'cos I'm sitting down.  But the step machine was good - it made me sweat like a dyslexic on Countdown.

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  An apple;
- Lunch:  A bean salad and a tin of mackerel;
- Dinner:  Two pickled eggs, two tins of mackerel, a banana, and a few nuts & raisins.

I'm going to make the most of being home a bit earlier today - gymmed, eaten, showered and blogged already - wow, I can actually have an evening!

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