Yes, the whole challenge is somewhat less tortuous now. Someone tried to tempt me with a chocolate muffin at work today, but I easily resisted, without even remotely wanting to eat it - though I did have a little sniff (thanks, Lara!)
Once again, I was positively champing at the bit to get into the gym tonight - a feeling that still seems so alien, but so good - and I did a big shoulders workout, followed by some stomach exercises and 30 minutes on the step machine. It was my first go on a step machine during my challenge, and I only got on it as I got to the gym a bit earlier than usual tonight - during 'peak time' - so all the cross trainers were being used. And I didn't fancy the bike - as I feel a bit lazy on there sometimes 'cos I'm sitting down. But the step machine was good - it made me sweat like a dyslexic on Countdown.
My diet today has consisted of:
- Breakfast: An apple;
- Lunch: A bean salad and a tin of mackerel;
- Dinner: Two pickled eggs, two tins of mackerel, a banana, and a few nuts & raisins.
I'm going to make the most of being home a bit earlier today - gymmed, eaten, showered and blogged already - wow, I can actually have an evening!
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