Saturday, 12 November 2011

Day 27 : "Nuts for Nuts"

So, today started off good.  I had a banana for breakfast, went to the gym for my against-medical-advice-legs-workout (thankfully, without blood gushing from my mouth), and then had a tin of tuna when I got home.

My wife's away so, after dropping my son off at his friend's house, I took my two younger sons into town as I had to get two new front tyres for my car.  I had an hour to kill as the garage had to go pick up the tyres, so I took George and Henry into the town centre, telling them I'd treat them to a McDonalds for lunch.  Then I remembered that I'm on a diet, so was therefore about to torture myself. I love McDonalds, so a trip there would normally consist of a Big Mac and large fries.  I thought about having nothing, but it was lunch time after all and the food smelt so good.  So I found the healthiest sounding thing on the menu - a grilled chicken salad wrap - and ordered that.  When the server asked me if I wanted the meal (i.e. with fries) I almost caved, but managed to say 'no'.  I felt very healthy eating my wrap, as my boys tucked into cheeseburgers and fries.

After lunch, George and Henry asked if they could have some sweets (yeah, great, thanks kids), so I took them into the market, and we ended up in a Thai shop buying some Thai chocolate & strawberry biscuity-things.  Then I spotted them.  Coconut flavour nuts.  I love coconut.  I love nuts.  But both together!?  I grabbed a tin, telling myself I'd save them for Christmas.

Three minutes later, I was stood outside the market eating a handful of them.  They were delicious.

Throughout this afternoon, I've had quite a few more handfuls of them.  Thankfully they are - according to the tin - "dry roasted without oil", and the odd handful of nuts are good for you, plus they're quite high in protein.  But what I've eaten amounts to more than "odd", so I've probably also consumed more fat than I've had in any one day since I started my challenge almost four weeks ago, not to mention the carbs they contain too.  But they're shut away in the cupboard now, and won't be coming out again today.  Bad nuts, Naughty nuts.

So my diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  A banana;
- Post-gym snack:  A tin of tuna;
- Lunch:  A grilled chicken wrap;
- Afternoon snack:  Too many coconut flavour nuts;
- Dinner:  A salmon salad.

Must do better!

Tomorrow:  My mid-way weigh-in!!

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