Thursday, 24 November 2011

Day 39 : "Knackered"

Quick post tonight, as got home late this evening from Redhill (don't ya just love the M25!?) so had a later visit to the gym.  And I am actually knackered tonight... I think "gymin' it" through my cold has finally caught up with me.  A warm, comfy bed is calling!

Not much to report anyway - had a pretty standard day.  My daily diet update is thus:

- Breakfast: An apple and a banana;
- Lunch:  A chicken salad.  With lots of jalapenos.  Yum.
- Dinner: Three pickled eggs, a tin of mackerel and 240g of King Prawns.  Double yum, triple yum.   And a banana.

At the gym this evening, I did my Thursday night triceps and stomach workout, and 30 minutes on the cross trainer.  (Although it was a later visit, it is much more pleasant to be there when it's a bit quieter - especially after my early evening visit yesterday when it bore a resemblance to Piccadilly Circus.)

Can't believe I've only got 17 days to go!


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