Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Day 44 : "Sod's Law"

It was only yesterday that, for the first time, it crossed my mind that I've been lucky not to get an injury as yet.  I think it was when I was writing about 'my aches having aches', that I thought well at least they are only aches.  Aches are good, as that means the muscle is breaking down and rebuilding. Pain on the other hand is bad.  Yes indeed, it was only yesterday that I was thinking that I'd gone from 'couch bum' to '43 visits to the gym in 43 days' - literally overnight - and what a lucky chap I was to be injury free.

In such situations, it seems that Sod's Law likes to kick in.

Less than 24 hours later, I'm in the gym doing some bicep curls with 35kg dumbbells.  As the reps started getting harder, I'd begun to cheat a bit by using my shoulders to throw out a few more, when I suddenly felt a muscle pull in the top of my right shoulder.  I probably should have stopped at that point, but as I was at the beginning of my biceps workout, I continued on with 24 barbell curls, 30 preacher curls, and 60 machine single-bicep curls.

After my stomach exercises, I started on the step machine.  About 5 minutes in, I felt something pull in my right calf (which I'd worked pretty hard on Saturday).  But I carried on 'stepping' to finish my usual 30 minutes of cardio, despite my leg not feeling quite right.

Ouch.  So I've come home with a very painful shoulder and a limp.  I've taken some ibuprofen and eaten lots of protein, hoping both will be a lot better by the morning.

That'll learn me for thinking how lucky I am.

My diet today has consisted of:

- Breakfast:  Nothing.  Not on purpose, but I rushed out of the door this morning forgetting to pick up any fruit.  (I did get a skinny gingerbread latte from Starbucks though... resisting the temptation to buy shortbread to replace the fruit!)
- Lunch:  A mackerel salad;
- Dinner:  A tin of mackerel, a tin of tuna, two pickled eggs, a few cherry tomatoes and a banana.

Tomorrow:  hoping I'll be able to battle my injuries to make it to the gym.  Can't give up now!

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