This morning, I paid my 56th visit to the gym in as many days. I can now proudly say I have been to the gym every single day for 8 weeks.
I've eaten extremely healthily for 8 weeks solid. Okay, so there was the Hallowe'en of the 8 jelly sweets, the Saturday afternoon of too many nuts, the quiz night chicken coujons, and last Sunday's evening of ginger nut gobbling - but in the context of the last 8 weeks, these were surrounded by weeks on end of fish, salad and fruit.
And I've not touched a drop of alcohol for 8 weeks. An adulthood best ever for me by far.
And I've made my final weigh-in. And after 'all or nothing week', I've managed to lose another 3lb, and shave off more body fat in one single week than I have since week 2 (when I still had a lot to lose!)
So now, I can reveal the final results...
Before After
16st 7Ib Weight 13st 8lb
32.8% Body Fat 22.8%
33.9% Muscle Mass 38.1%
Not bad for 8 weeks, eh?
I have to say that, obviously, when I wrote that first blog entry some 60 days ago, whilst still stuffing my face and being sedentary, I really had no idea how this would all turn out. I hoped I might make a bit of a difference to my weight. I hoped the embarrassment of posting a before photo would spur me on into making sure there was some sort of notable difference in the after photo. I hoped that making my commitment public would keep me on track to some degree. But I really didn't expect the results I've had. It's made me realise that, if you really put your mind to something, you can achieve anything.
And - sorry, but this is the schmaltzy bit - I really couldn't have done this without the support of those of you reading this, and sending me your messages of encouragement. But it's true. I would have fallen off my challenge at times, especially in the earlier weeks, had it not been for knowing that I would be letting myself down in front of lots of people. I've been gobsmacked to see (from the stats tool on here) that between 35 and 65 people have been reading my blog every day. I know who some of you are as you've posted comments on Facebook - but thank you to everybody who has followed me on my challenge or posted messages of encouragement (in particular Clare, Alexandra, Victoria and Jacky who I've felt have really been there with me throughout the 8 weeks!), and to my wife and sons who have put up with me disappearing off to the gym every day, and making the house smell of fish.
Different techniques work for different people. But if you are planning on going on a new year diet, I would encourage you to put it out there. Tell your friends what you're planning to do, and tell your family. It's worked for me. And the "all-or-nothing" approach may, again, not work for everybody... but for me it's been life changing. After years of falling off healthy eating kicks and exercise regimes, the results I've managed to prove to myself are possible in a short space of time have encouraged me to continue. I now think if I can do this in 8 weeks, what could I do in 8 months? I genuinely believe I have changed my lifestyle for good... I hope...
I've been thinking about what I may do tomorrow. Take an evening off from the gym and lay in bed instead? Have a curry, or a Chinese? Nope. I think I fancy an apple and banana for breakfast, and then some mackerel salad. With, of course, my Monday night chest workout.
Although I am heading off now for a big Christmas Dinner!
It's been a blast. Thanks again to you all. I'm just going to leave you with my week-by-week results and 'evolution of modern man' photos!
Week 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Body Fat 32.8% 29.4% 27.4% 26.7% 25.6% 25.5% 24.3% 24.5% 22.8%
Muscle 33.9% 35.2% 35.8% 36.2% 36.6% 36.7% 37.4% 37.2% 38.1%
Weight 16st 7lb 15st 7lb 14st 11lb 14st 9lb 14st 6lb 14st 3lb 13st 13lb 13st 11lb 13st 8lb